1. Time to Write

    AvatarBy ivanbassoofficial il 8 Aug. 2014
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    Him turning up this morning wasn't a surprise. The same way that, when you've been talking about someone behind their back, they inevitably turn up. Rhapsodizing about characterization is much like talking about him behind his back. He'd rather I wrote a blog -- so much more satisfying for all concerned.

    And he nagged, and he pleaded, and he cajoled, and he flirted, and he said to me - write. And I said, honey, doll -- be good and take a hike, I don't have time for you today.

    Work is healthy, work is good for me, work will set me free and liberate the masses (sure, what next), work drags me outside my head, which is always a plus, work means no other people around me...